Have you tried miracle creams and lotions to get rid of your cellulite and nothing seems to work? Has this left you wondering – how can I permanently reduce the appearance of cellulite on my body? If you answered yes to these questions, you’ll be glad to hear about an exciting new cellulite treatment called Cellfina.
How can you permanently reduce the appearance of cellulite?
Cellfina is a breakthrough treatment that promises long lasting improvement in the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. Unlike other procedures that treat cellulite from the outside, Cellfina gets to the structural cause of the problem.
Cellulite dimples occur as a result of bands of fibrous tissue that travel through the fat, to the underside of the skin. When these bands pull on the skin, it creates the dimpling we know as cellulite.
Cellfina works by releasing these bands, and this causes the skin to become smoother over time. It’s for this reason the results gained with Cellfina last a long time, up to 2 years in most cases.
What is the procedure like?
The dimpled areas to be treated are first marked, and then local anesthesia applied. The Cellfina system is then placed over the dimples being targeted. The system has a suction tool that pulls the skin towards it, and it also has a micro-blade that is inserted into the skin, and releases the fibrous bands.
Cellfina treatment takes about an hour to complete, and discomfort is minimal. Results can be seen within 3-7 days, and get better over time.
If you’re interested in finding out more about Cellfina for cellulite, contact El Paso Cosmetic Surgery, El Paso, Texas.
Call us today at (915) 351-1116to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ozan Sozer.