Does Dermaplaning Hurt?

If you’re looking for a simple, affordable non-surgical way to revitalize your face, dermaplaning may be the treatment for you. Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation procedure that makes the skin brighter and softer. But what is the procedure like, and does dermaplaning hurt.

What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a facial rejuvenation treatment in which a small sterile surgical blade is used to exfoliate the facial skin. The procedure removes dead skin cells and ‘peach fuzz’ (fine facial hair), to leave the skin radiant and more youthful.

Dermaplaningis a non-invasive treatment, so there are minimal side-effects, and virtually no downtime. Most patients notice an immediate improvement in the tone and texture of their skin, because dermaplaning leaves the skin smoother, fresher, and brighter.Dermaplaning is suitable for most skin types, but is not recommended for acne prone skin.

Treatment takes only 30 minutes, and medical practitioners recommend having a treatment every 4 weeks to maintain results.

Does Dermaplaning Hurt?
The surgical blade is used to very gently slough away dead skin cells and hair using light upward strokes. Most patients find the procedure quite comfortable and relaxing, so it’s not painful at all (read more).

Dermaplaning is a very beneficial treatment because fine facial hair can trap oils and debris on the surface of the skin, and make it look dull. Dermaplaning encourages faster cell turnover, which gives the skin a dewy, youthful appearance. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines, and allows skin care products to penetrate easier, resulting in healthier skin.

Would you like to give dermaplaning a try? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the greater Chicago, IL area, The Skin Care Center is our featured practice. The Skin Care Center has offices in Chicago, Lake Forest, and Glenview, IL.

You can reach them at, or by calling 773-296-3636 in Chicago, 847-234-6121 in Lake Forest, and 847-901-0252 in Glenview.


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